
in the


We "pretired" from big city life and employment in 2006... opting for a little spot out in the country east of Tyler, Texas. We called it the Stump Farm -- due to the overwhelming number of stumps on the recently cleared piece of land.

In 2009, it became clear that if we wanted to really settle down, we would need to move out of our <ahem> temporary housing (tool shed). This meant money. And money meant work. And so I went back to work locally to save up for building a house.

It was 2012 when we moved into our house on the Stump Farm. I continued working until 2015 when I retired for good. (At least I hope so!) Five years later, in 2017, Spork In the Hive Apiary began with a caught wild swarm of bees.

We have finally built up a small apiary and officially have a little retirement hobby farm. We sell all the honey we can't eat -- usually available in July/August. All honey is locally produced in East Texas and is raw and unfiltered.